Banana Faith
Have you noticed this incredible, almost indescribable spiritual journey Father has us living out? He has called us to a new level of faith, praise, and worship at The Seed by showing us how the impossible is really not impossible in Him! We call it "Banana Faith!" Of Course, "Banana Faith" sounds ridiculous, and it looks even more ridiculous to those who have not digested it yet! It's our idiom to characterize the "CRAZY MIRACLE CREATING FAITH" we are walking in these days!
In case you haven't noticed, our "Banana Faith" is causing every service to peel away another layer of praise and worship towards Father! Going all the way in the same way you did last Sunday isn't good enough anymore! To achieve what He wants, we must give to Him daily of our time, energy, and efforts or in other words all of our will. Don't worry. Father has our best interest at heart! So don't be afraid to release your will in exchange for His! I invite you to grow with us; as we take our way of living, worship, and praise to the next level in Him!