These ministries are dedicated to deepening the relationship between God and the believer through music and songs.
About the Music Ministry
Music “tills the soil” of the hearts of men and women in order that they can be in a state of readiness to receive “the seed”, God’s preached word. As the Minister of Music of Seeds of Faith Ministries, Mark C. Nelson takes seriously the responsibility of preparing those who serve in the ministry to be fully equipped in that capacity. In varying amounts, He imparts his academic and practical experiences as a singer, songwriter and musician in every rehearsal to accomplish that task. Songs are not just taught for the purpose of ministering during a service, but music fundamentals are explained to enhance understanding and create greater musical awareness.
Members of our music staff are well travelled and have performed with, and learned from Industry greats. Our aim is to create a consistent environment of musical excellence that underscores and augments the entire worship experience.
Our ministry is at an exciting point of growth where our vocal repertoire will broaden to include anthems and spirituals, as well as Youth Solo Instrumentalists and Ensembles. Come join us as we continue to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Serves as the Praise & Worship ministry. Their primary purpose is to invoke God’s presence through song at the commencement of each Worship experience. Members of this ministry are not only expected to be strong singers capable of leading Worship through verbal exhortation and/or solo singing, but are expressive in their praise creating an atmosphere for the general body to worship God freely, a hallmark of Seeds of Faith Ministries.Voices of Faith
Serves as the Praise & Worship ministry. Their primary purpose is to invoke God’s presence through song at the commencement of each Worship experience. Members of this ministry are not only expected to be strong singers capable of leading Worship through verbal exhortation and/or solo singing, but are expressive in their praise creating an atmosphere for the general body to worship God freely, a hallmark of Seeds of Faith Ministries.