Seeds for the Vision

Thank you for choosing to support and be a part of what God is doing through Seeds of Faith Ministries! We appreciate your commitment to our cause and look forward to your involvement with our community. Seeds of Faith is committed to building and strengthening strong families. Your generosity will enable us to continue to bring awareness to our cause and make a difference in the lives of those we sustain through our efforts.

By joining with us, you can do more to save families. Your one-time or monthly gift will help to provide vital resources for support and expansion of our education programs and facilities of the Academy and Biblical Counseling Ministry. Through those specialized ministries, we have educated thousands of children, giving them not only an extraordinary education, but one that has been built on solid moral values. Hundreds of traditional marriages have been saved. 

Please help us move this vision along and reach the next level.  We are very close to completeing the design phase and must reach our new immediate goal of $35,000. 

Please Click Here Now to make your pledge or give your one-time gift.