This ministry is dedicated to single adults (never been married, divorced, or widowed). The main focus is to teach how powerful and important Singles are to the work and the advancement of Christ's Kingdom. This was an unwavering testimony of the Apostle Paul, who wished that Singles could stay as he was, so that they could do as he did, wholeheartedly gave his life to Christ to advance His cause.
The mission of the Fullness of Joy Singles Ministry is to promote the spiritual, social, and personal enhancement and well being of single individuals among the Seeds of Faith Ministries church family and the community at large.
The Fullness of Joy Singles Ministry provides a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages Christ-centered growth, fellowship, and church and community service. The Ministry sponsors a variety of activities that support single individuals in:
- Maintaining joy in the Lord’s purposes for their lives
- Conducting their lives according to biblical teachings and principles
- Growing spiritually and in Christ-likeness
- Enhancing their personal development
- Sharing their God-given gifts through service
- Celebrating life with other single Christians